Thursday, 14 April 2011

{Positive} Let's be happy

Sipping my morning coffee bleary-eyed yesterday, a news item on happiness woke me from my doziness.  Why?  Well this is a subject I find fascinating - the older I've got the more I've realised that happiness doesn't come from things, it comes from people. Trust me, I still lust over Christian Louboutin shoes, over-priced skincare and want to get my mitts on the new ipad, but I can hand-on-heart promise that the times I feel those bubbles of happiness most are when I'm enjoying the company of the special people in my life.

And I'm not the only one.  Action for Happiness was on BBC Breakfast to launch a new mass movement - encouraging happy vigilantes, I guess, to create more happiness by taking positive action to promote that feel-good factor at home, at work and in their community.  The group's website had so many people trying to pledge their support that it collapsed under the weight - and what does that tell you?  That there's a lot of contentment-seekers out there.  Watch out for a hug near you...

Like this?  You may also like: The Happiness Project

Photo: Pinterest

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